Prepping, homesteading and living the simple, green, independent life.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Green and Lazy Lawn Care 2012

I've been noticing dandelions popping up over the last week or so and figured it was just a matter of time before my lawn got occupied as well.  Like every spring our block is now covered in yellow...except to my surprise our yard. 

I will admit that we did get some dandelions last year, though not as many as others, and that they probably will break through eventually.

It's kinda hard to see the dandelion in these pics but they're there.

Our front lawn in foreground with dandelions across the road

Our yard and neighbour

Our back yard ends at the planters/shed

I honestly don't know what's causing it.  I thought that it might have been the clover I've planted in the back yard but that was before I saw our front.  I suspect it might be because I haven't mowed yet which has allowed the grass/clover to shade out the dandelions.